Overcoming Resistance to Innovations
21st June 2018, 8:45 am - 3:00 pm
On what can get in the way of innovations being accepted, and how to push through…
*** Free for members of the Innovation Network ***
Book HERE.
Welcome to the Innovation Network’s fifth event of the 17/18 calendar.
This event explores lessons learned from overcoming obstacles encountered when introducing innovations in biotech and high-tech manufacturing. Case studies include the NHS, electronics and pharma.
We are being kindly hosted by Southampton University, and there will be an optional tour afterwards (3pm) of the engineering laboratories.
Please note:
Our events are specifically for senior technologists and leaders in high-tech manufacturing and biotech. The network members are an impressive peer group. There is an emphasis on quality input, getting to know one’s peers, and sharing experience. Events are rich in learning and serendipitous connections.
Important to achieving this is ensuring that those who attend our events fit the membership profile.
Please read more about the Network here.
If you and your organisation fit our profile (senior engineer, scientist, or leader in high-tech manufacturing or biotech), and you are interested in becoming a member, we would love to welcome you to your first event free of charge.
Philip Webb, past Head of Business Development, Southampton NHS Trust
Philip has a depth of business development experience both within the health sector and beyond. From April 2016 to Jan 2018 Philip worked on identifying innovation in healthcare and ideas in MedTech, Healthtech, digital and disruptive software which could both generate income and add value. Commercialism is much needed in healthcare to drive innovation and progress the problems the NHS is facing with an ageing population. Philip managed key relationships externally with start-ups, VCs, academic and government networks, working across teams of specialist consultants to provide commercial best practice and innovation in business-like approach, towards better patient outcomes. The Southampton NHS Trust is a major centre for teaching and research in association with the University of Southampton and partners including the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust.
Philip will give us an overview of the NHS as a system, something we’ve all have had some experience of in one form or another. He will elucidate its culture(s) and the role of innovation within it, setting the context for Rob Marchant’s session.
Rob Marchbanks,
Rob is Managing Director of Marchbanks Measurements Systems Ltd, a spin-out company from Southampton University and UKTI SMART Awards. They manufacture devices that measure brain pressure, non-invasively. Brain Pressure can be considered as the ‘sixth vital sign’ that is irrevocably linked to a person’s well-being and life itself. Applications can be in such diverse fields as sports injuries and space travel. This technique represents a disruptive change in healthcare.
Rob is also a Consultant Clinical Scientist and Director in the Non-invasive Intracranial Pressure Unit of the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. He can, therefore, speak from both sides of the fence. Rob’s story will address some of the obstacles encountered (and lessons learned) when traversing the “maze” to bring this new method into being and to active application in the NHS and elsewhere.
Mike Lawrence, Project Manager, New Products, JTL
Mike is deeply experienced in nurturing innovations through to commercialisation. He will share his wisdom, gained from having encountered and overcome many barriers along the way. In his current role, he drives new product development at JTL, a manufacturer of control systems for refrigeration in FMCG. He is Past President of the British Refridgeration Association and currently a Board member of the Federation of Environmental Trade Associatons.
Dave Doughty Director, Hallidex
Dave is past Director of Pharmaceutics at GSK, where he had a successful career for 36 years. He successfully directed teams to develop and commercialise new pharmaceutical products, and to devise and implement innovative manufacturing processes and strategies. As Director of Hallidex, he now provides advice and guidance to pharmaceutical companies wishing to implement continuous manufacturing processes. Dave also acts as a scientific advisor to the Research Centre Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH in Graz, attending project reviews, providing scientific advice, and mentoring RCPE scientists. He also provides scientific advice and training to students and to staff involved in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.
Arrival: 8.45 teas, coffees, pastries
Start: 9am prompt
Lunch: 12.45pm
End: 3pm
3pm: Optional tour of the University’s engineering laboratories.
We are kindly being hosted by Southampton University at their conference centre on the Highfield Campus.
Parking is limited and typically by reservation only, so please book here in good time and we will seek to arrange a space for you.